Senin, 07 September 2015

Jual benih/bibit/seeds Slicing White Cucumber Seeds - 'White Wonder'' unik, beautiful, rare,easy to grow for your own garden

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kami menjual Slicing Cucumber Seeds - 'White Wonder'

1 paket harga 10 rb
isi 15 seeds

sms /wa ke 085777119992
pin bb id Silky : 54732DB8
Line ID : Silky Nazma

Menghasilkan Timun berwarna Putih Gading yang berukuran 7 inci ( inci = 2.5 cm).
Timun yang dihasilkan memiliki tekstur yang renyah dan lezat sehingga sangat cocok untuk dijadikan salad, lalapan ataupun asinan.
Siap panen 60 hari

Timun suka berada di daerah yang panas dan tidak bisa bertahan hidup jika tidak ada cahaya.

Karena mentimun merupakan tanaman merambat, bisa disediakan teralis atau kayu untuk menghasilkan mentimun yang tegak yang lebih mudah untuk dipetik.

Namun, tanaman merambat ini hanya akan menyebar di atas tanah jika teralis tidak disediakan

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About White Wonder Cucumber: Historians generally agree that the first cucumbers grew in India's Himalyan Mountains over 3,000 years ago. From this region they expanded into Greece and Rome; the Romans most likely spread this vegetable to the rest of Europe. The cucumber was widely grown by native Americans through the influence of the Spanish and other explorers. Cucumbers continue to be a vital part of traditional cuisine in Russia and many parts of Asia; the greatest variety of colors and shapes of this vegetable can still be found in its Asian birthplace. White Wonder cucumbers in particular were sent to the Burpee Seed Company from a gardener in New York. Several years later in 1893, they were offered for sale for the first time in the Burpee catalog.

White Wonder Cucumber Germination: Cucumbers do not take well to transplanting, so either start them early in peat pots or plant them directly. Start them indoors about 2 weeks before frost, placing 3-4 seeds 1/2" deep in the pot. Keep the air temperature at least 80 degrees F. When two or three leaves appear on each plant, cut off all but the strongest plant with a scissors. Before planting them, "harden" the seedlings by setting them outside during the day. They should be planted no sooner than a week after the last spring frost, when the air temperatures consistently average 65-75 degrees F. For planting them in a hill, place three seedlings or 7-8 seeds in each hill; space hills 4-5' apart. If rows are preferrable, plant seedlings 1' apart or place 5 seeds within 1' and later thin them. Cucumbers love heat and cannot endure even a light frost; if cold temperatures threaten, cover the seedlings. Since cucumbers love to climb, providing a trellis will save space in your garden and produce straighter cucumbers that are easier to pick; however, the vines will simply spread ou

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