Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

JUal benih/bibit/seeds Rainbow Corn/ Ornamental Corn Seeds - 'Rainbow' unik, eksotis,beautiful, rare,easy to grow for your own garden..

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About Rainbow Corn: The first type of corn, sometimes known as Indian corn or maize, was found by the Pilgrims when they arrived on the shores of the New World. Provided by the Indians, this valuable resource ensured their survival. In addition to eating the corn, the resourceful Pilgrims also used the husks for making various things like shoes, ropes, dolls, and seats for their chairs. Modern varieties of sweet corn, field corn, and ornamental corn all descend from Indian corn.

Rainbow Corn Germination: Prepare the soil with compost or other organic matter. One week after frost or when the soil consistently reaches 60 degrees F, plant the corn 1" deep and 8-12" apart. Planting blocks of four short rows ensures good pollination. Germination should take place in 5-6 days. For companion planting benefits, plant corn with cucumbers, peas, or pole beans; plants that like shade also do well with corn. Avoid planting tomatoes near corn.

Growing Rainbow Corn Seeds: After the corn emerges, keep it moist and carefully remove weeds; since corn cannot fight against weeds, mulch may be beneficial. Additional organic matter or compost helps growth, since corn is a heavy feeder. Keep in mind that corn has shallow roots which can easily become damaged by hoeing. Watch out for pests, as corn attracts many problematic insects and animals.

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