Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

Jual benih/bibit/seeds Melon Seeds - 'Banana'' unik, beautiful, rare,easy to grow, exotic and rare seeds for your own garden

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About Banana Melon: The banana melon, an heirloom variety, was first listed in 1885 in J. H. Gregory's seed catalog. Mr. Gregory said of this melon, "When ripe it reminds one of a large, overgrown banana... it smells like one, having a remarkably powerful and delicious fragrance."

Banana Melon Germination: Melons must not be planted until the soil temperature has warmed to 70-80 degrees F, since they thrive in heat. Start the plants indoors only 2-4 weeks before transplanting, since if the plants grow too large they have difficulty adjusting to the change. Sow several seeds 1/2" deep in each peat pot, and keep them at 75 degrees until they germinate. Thin to the strongest plant in each pot by cutting off the others. Gradually accustom the plants to outdoor temperatures by setting them outside during the day, then transplant them to hills 4-6' apart with 2-3 plants to a hill. For companion planting benefits, plant melons near corn but not potatoes.

Growing Banana Melon Seeds: In cooler climates, melons may benefit from black plastic to warm the soil; mulch also helps to conserve necessary moisture, control weeds, and keep the melons clean. Adequate moisture is particularly crucial as the vines begin to develop. After midsummer, pinch off blossoms and smaller fruits in order to direct the full energy to the larger fruits; the smaller fruits will not have time to ripen before frost, and are no great loss.

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