Jumat, 14 Agustus 2015

Jual benih / seeds / bibit flower Herb Seeds - 'Common German Chamomile' white rare, beautiful and unique, good for relaxation

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Common German Chamomile

isi 50 benih

Tanaman herbal yang harus dimiliki jika Anda menikmati minum teh panas atau dingin. Bunganya merupakan bahan utama untuk membuat teh herbal. Rasanya yang manis dan ada sedikit rasa buah memiliki efek menyejukkan dan menenangkan pikiran.
Biasanya orang menggunakan bunganya sebagai obat
Beberapa orang menerapkan common german chamomile langsung ke kulit untuk wasir; nyeri payudara; ulkus kaki; iritasi alergi kulit dan penyakit kulit akibat bakteri, termasuk yang dari mulut dan gusi. Hal ini juga digunakan pada kulit untuk mengobati atau mencegah kerusakan bagian dalam mulut yang disebabkan oleh kemoterapi atau radiasi; dan untuk mengobati kerusakan kulit akibat kolostomi.

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untuk melihat lebih lengkap jenis bibit lainnya bisa kunjungi link di bawah:
toko online :https://www.tokopedia.com/accesoriesseeds/benih-seeds-bibit-flower-herb-seeds-common-german-chamomile-white-rare-beatuiful-and-unique

About Common German Chamomile: German chamomile, the variety preferred for making tea, originates in southern and eastern Europe; it has a distinctive apple/pineapple like scent. Ancient authorities such as Hippocrates and Galen wrote of the medical benefits of chamomile, and it remains a popular and effective herbal remedy in modern times. As a tea or infusion, chamomile gives a feeling of relaxation and drowsiness, making it an excellent treatment for insomnia or anxiety. Because of the herb's antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, skin preparations including chamomile benefit conditions such as eczema, rashes, or insect bites. The dried flowers and leaves also make a sweet scented addition to sachets or potpourri.

Common German Chamomile Germination: In short growing seasons, chamomile can be started inside; start the seeds in a flat 2-3 weeks before the last spring frost date, and transplant them after the last frost. This herb prefers full sun or partial shade in sandy or well drained soil. For direct sowing, plant the seeds 1/4" deep in rows 18" apart, thinning to 6-8" apart as soon as the seedlings appear. Germination should take place within 1-2 weeks. German Chamomile also grows well as a container plant.

Growing Common German Chamomile Seeds: Chamomile prefers cool temperatures and can tolerate light frost. Keep the soil moist while the seedlings are still developing, and control weeds to promote the plants' strong growth.

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