Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

Jual benih / seeds / bibit flower Erigeron speciosus (Fleabane Daisy) Wildflower Seeds ,rare, beautiful and unique, famous in their own way

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About Fleabane Daisy: The Erigeron genus contains nearly four hundred flowers, in appearance somewhere between a daisy and an aster. The name Erigeron means old man, referring to the white hair on the seed heads. The common name Fleabane comes from the medieval practice of using these dried flowers to repel fleas. This Fleabane Daisy was first discovered in the state of California around 1830 by English botanist David Douglas, who made several trips of exploration to the United States. Douglas also introduced such species as the Ponderosa Pine, Sitka Spruce, and Noble Fir; the common name of Douglas Fir honors his legacy. The Royal Horticultural Society, who commissioned these botanical explorations, first cultivated this daisy as a garden plant.

Fleabane Daisy Germination: Direct sow in late fall, pressing the seeds into the surface of the soil since they need light to germinate. For spring planting, mix the seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for 60 days before direct sowing. Germination may be slow and naturally irregular. This plant prefers light, sandy soil.

Growing Fleabane Daisy Seeds: Water seedlings regularly once they are established. Mature plants tolerate heat and drought well, and should only need watering in periods of extended drought. Deadheading spent blossoms will help extend the blooming; if blooming decreases, but the plant back for new growth. Plants can also be divided after several years of growth. This plant reseeds readily, though cutting off the flowers before they begin to develop seed will prevent this. This plant attracts bees and resists deer.

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