Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015

Jual benih / seeds / bibit flower Cynoglossum amabile (Chinese Forget-Me-Not) Wildflower Seeds, rare,cool, fresh, beatuiful and unique

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kami menjual Cynoglossum amabile (Chinese Forget-Me-Not) Wildflower Seeds

1 paket harga 10 rb
isi 30 seeds

jika berminat sms /wa ke 085777119992
bbm 54732DB8
Line id silkynazma

Bunganya berwarna biru terang dengan pusat mahkotanya berwarna kuning. Tingginya sekitar 6 8 inci ( 1 inci = 2.5 cm).
Jika ditanam secara massal akan terlihat sangat mempesona. Cocok sekali jika ditanam di pot atau di pot gantung.
Tanaman ini lebih suka ditanam di tempat yang teduh dan tanah yang lembap

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untuk melihat lebih lengkap jenis bibit lainnya bisa kunjungi link di bawah:
toko online :https://www.tokopedia.com/accesoriesseeds/benih-seeds-bibit-flower-cynoglossum-amabile-chinese-forget-me-not-wildflower-seeds-rare-beatuiful-and-unique

About Chinese Forget-Me-Not: This Asian wildflower has slightly larger flowers and rougher foliage than its more well-known European counterpart. The genus name Cynoglossum, meaning hounds tongue, is derived from the resemblance of the coarse leaves to a dogs tongue. The Chinese Forget-Me-Not won the prestigious All-American Selections Award in 1939, and has been a garden favorite ever since.

Chinese Forget-Me-Not Germination: Direct sow in early spring after the last frost. Sow below the surface and keep the soil consistently moist until germination, which should occur in 7-10 days. This seed can be fall planted in regions with warm winters. To start the seed indoors, plant it in a flat or individual peat pots 6-8 weeks before the last frost of spring. Keep the soil consistently moist and at a temperature of 70 degrees F until germination. Transplant after the last frost, spacing the seedlings 8-10 apart.

Growing Chinese Forget-Me-Not Seeds: Water the seedlings during their first few weeks of growth. Mature plants tolerate dry soil quite well, and will only need occasional watering in drought conditions; they may flop over in rich or moist soil. These plants will readily reseed themselves, and can spread in good growing conditions. If this is undesirable, cut the plant back after the blossoms fade to prevent the seed heads from forming. This plant attracts bees and butterflies.

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